DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, it is the leap of the known knows of the unknowns:)
be the wither be the pain I've written the wholes of that one pathed tenth trench and paced lane of an ever a ten a twelfth of three sixes an ever again, I'd come to come through in neat shall the pleasure of today is the same of the pleasure of that year
now come my memory into the eye onto the foreseen one through an eye
for the written to them shall burn to the past to commit lie draining my pen onto the forges of day in sublime tortures dimming my life my tent swallowed by a fox a god's a falcon's a once sought eye
so trace my words I write here I write have written today for they shall be past of some lesson of a mean just the same tell them to read tell them to listen well indeed for a poet's riddles shall trick and deceive tellers the tortures till moons till the one till of hell