I am so possessed by thoughts Of his top-notch sparkling charmingness Lost in his awesome sauce Longing to taste him Like remarkably appealing pizza
Luxuriate in his unmistakably Handsome captivatingness My hot-blooded sauce boss My supernatural sensual flame I wanna lick his masculine chest His shredded abs, his striking arm muscles
Take in the brightness of his regal beauty His stunningly good-looking face Let his velvety voice mesmerize me My red-hot macho dream I feen for his lingering mind-blowing kisses
To feel him infuse warmth and comfort Into my life and dreams Explore each other like the vibrant city center Relish his impressive freshness Delight in him like the flickering flames Of an unprecedented candlelit dinner
I cede control to his dopeness Vibe to him like a charming, affectionate track My head buzzing with lustful thoughts Have rough ******* together That leaves me wonderstruck Drunk on him morning, noon, and night