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Sep 2023
One foot on the ground, the other in the air
I stand here, in a new world
A path I've chosen, a road untraveled
Full of hope and possibility

Five months have passed since I made the leap
Since I left my old life behind
And set out on a new adventure
With nothing but a dream in my heart

The journey has been full of twists and turns
Of ups and downs, of highs and lows
But I've pushed on
Through the tough times
With a steadfast determination in my soul

The new path has been full of challenges
A maze of obstacles to overcome
But with each challenge,
I've grown stronger
More resilient, more determined than before

But the past is now behind me
A distant memory, fading in the distance
I've embraced the uncertainty and the unknown
And stepped forward with courage and conviction

I've faced my fears and conquered my doubts
And learned to trust in my own abilities
To believe in myself and in my dreams
And to never give up
No matter what life brings

The new path has brought me joy and laughter
And moments of pure happiness and bliss
It's been a journey of self-discovery

I've met new people and made new friends
And discovered new passions and interests
And I know that this path is where I belong
Where I'm meant to be
Where I'll thrive and grow

The memories of the past still linger
A reminder of where I've come from
But the future is where my heart lies

I'll keep walking this new path
With a heart full of hope, and a soul full of courage
Ready to face whatever comes my way
And to live a life that's truly worth living
And I know that the journey is far from over
But I'm ready for whatever lies ahead
Michael Twum Appiah Adjei
Written by
Michael Twum Appiah Adjei  M/Ghana
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