Sharp, spiritual, and deep, describe my the character of another dimension, I can only be called a character Or maybe the other half of me.
Shaping each mold, with enough power from within, the result comes out superb, nothing to be repair, all has been accomplished born in an imperfect world.
A sharp, spiritual-like golden thread tied in safety knots, her creation has just begun, into the world of uncertainty where creation had been developed In a multilevel establishment according to one's ability to gather information to continue a nation of robotic humans without emotions.
Sharp, and spiritual she appeared super human, with power of her own, to bring hope back to civilization that never was taught the power of love compassion, understanding, strength. Bestowing a new foundation of stability to mankind.
Worlds perfection, is not a perfect song only a melted thought, of an emotional compassionate unconditional love, thrown low enough to catch and store within our souls.