So you want to go back to the morning when we were crawling on all fours. This afternoon is burning you and you're not looking forward to more. You ask what promise is there in evening besides the setting of the sun? Well, that's when we will pack our dreams and go back to wherever we're from. And maybe we'll find a new day, and we'll wake up feeling grand. Who really knows, and who can say? And who cares? Just take a stand!
It's said discretion is the better part of valor, so choose to focus on the stuff that really matters. We're only ever given just this moment, aren't we? No promise of another after. But I can tell you that I think it's **** well worth it to love and to be hopeful and to try in earnest. Don't spend so much time fretting for the future, darling; uncertainty is always certain.
When life feels like it's only lemons, and there's a sour taste in your soul, get a grip and take a sip; acceptance is best enjoyed cold. There's nothing that the world can dish out that you can't overcome by digging in your tired feet and refusing to be undone. You know that there's hope of a new day, of waking up feeling grand. Who really knows, and who can say? And who cares? Just take a stand!
You were taught to hurry, you were taught to fear. You were given worry, and you were given tears. But I think that the very best of life is when you learn to unlearn the foolish things that bring you strife. They're none of your concern.