He is the sexiest, most delectable treasure That floats my boat Makes me wanna roll with him Connect with his machoness Rap with his splashiness
Make magic with his masculineness Make me scintillate Like bloom-filled landscapes Like bountiful mountains Let me be his artistic creation His aesthetically appealing masterpiece
Hold me in his sturdy arms Drink me down like a thirst-quenching beverage Eat me up like a refreshingly zesty hot dish Astound every ounce of my being Share deliciously naughty encounters With his astonishingly disarming charmingness
Blanketed by the gleam Of his authentic resplendent masculinity Carry me to his eye-catching paradise Bursting with mouthwatering passion Where I can kick it with him
Feel the hardness of his manly body As I gawk at his electric eyes How he has me so hot on his legendary ****** attractiveness Wanting to go all the way with him Feel his *** gun ****** in my hot stuff Leave me awestruck the more he crushes my guts