The Title of me is me and a title not me entitled harlequins aping disrespect are thee without self-respect waltzing in stunted dulled minds they somersault in self-deciet unable to atest or own real equality is from thee sublime to thou sublime unseasoned the voiceless glory of reason et grace unlike the blunt tools the roosters who flare and pirouette chicken wings agape puffed in chicken dance ridicule look y'all we rule the roost around our cages ( perhaps till the Colonel from Kentucky arrives)
Who needs to prove aimless strength but the weak et doubtfuls who rattles the sabre but the poltroon in his father's barrack do cults print postage stamps et currency when its merely a refuge for similarly affected densed in private signals hark ye go drink from wisdom's well raging at Title is accepting your inferiority your shadow boxing is confirmation Dignity confidence self assurance and grace will look you straight in the eyes and say I am civil and will treat you fairly and equally and on merit till you show me otherwise
But we know you cannot do as such and how we laugh and indulge for lacking in self respect and self assurance the Title dominates your minds and spirit and with little or no merit all you can manage is puff out hollow chests huffing and puffing doing the chickens dance at the Republican Disco in aid of the socially weak ******* maim and dumb and confirming in all your intents and purposes you can never be privileged except only by others like you not by one as THEM....