He is my crash-hot passionate smash My steaming hot sauce daddy I lapse into all of his tender, sensual dreaminess So deep into his succulent sea Of smooth splendiferous sweetness
I feel his top-notch disarming machoness All around my homoness The way he gives me a seductive rush Makes the sweat build on my flesh As I dwell on his impressive caressible freshness
Such a **** beardalicious heavy-hitter So eatable and squeezable So unbeatable and teasable He gives me a measureless pleasure Whispers soft magical words in my ear
Covers me in his utter luscious thuggishness Solaces me in the bright, delightful midnight Entrances every inch of my feminineness Drives me crazy with the way He takes my breath away
Seeps into my system Rouse my entireness Nibble on my neck Treasure me like a moist, savory dessert He doesnβt need my permission To explore my foundation
Knock me sideways Allure me to the core Dominate me more and more *** me up, make me erupt With an overload of unconditional love for him
Make me say his name While he slays my domain Unlock my heart Water my vibrant flowery garden With his nutritious man sauce