Oh how cliche,....... Beguile me with your Myriad of complex sufferings.... . Bleach me with tales of sabotage and an obscure collage of un-merrited catastrophe..... Pull me in deep with fortune's and fame Fill me with how "they"............. Gang stalked undermined and kept these things just out of reach. ...... As the fabric of morality beginning to frey....... Give me please addresses ,names, Anything I can do even beyond my means.. .. I feel I must sacrifice my self . .......endure pain ..... I will take the reigns You shall remain safe ...here . .. I shall buffet whatever This world will bring.... Moved by compassion To be the change I wish to see ...... My life is not worth living ... If live comfortably .... At the price of those poor souls who's Sole purpose is to be The whipping posts That society ghosts Because they can't quite manage the routines........
The ones everyone uses as a gage, And say "Well atleast "we" aren't as bad as them...... Meanwhile,secretly their mind itching With iniquities .. Outwardly receiving kudos for how good they've been, Inside festering with fleas ...... A slave to dark desires Cloaked with lies. . ........ And now back to our story..... My campaign extreme. Exhausted I collapse ..... And take stock as I coalesce...... It seems for you The one whom I went all this through Said I have done nothing I haven't changed a thing... Infact I have been the worst...... The chief of them. .. All my giving and regiving ad sleepless nights,fights, Going beyond and without.... "YOU" Mistake my kindness for stupiday!
Fill my heart with black venom...... I no longer wish to be The victim Now I see revenge!