Mysteries into mysterious The thought just makes one curious History having accounts within its own log The wonders through the creation of the seas 1871 was a year when cargo ships would sail through unchartered waters of LAST CHANCE ALLEY would often disappear The crews were never found Some say the Devil would be aboard their ships But there is no record of witnesses who can contest to that All you hear and feel are the sea breezes Many ships dare not to go through Last Chance Alley fearing that their ship would be loss and never be seen again Captains and crews heard stories about Last Chance Alley, but feel the name should be changed to PROHIBITED ALLEY Mysterious doesn’t make it obvious Once mystery still a mystery History has stated the Devil being disgusted as a monster aboard all the previous downed ships One would think the many storms feeling like a monster itself Imaginations gone wild Some see Fishy ship tale being folktale Perhaps it surrounds too much ale Yet many ships have disappeared without any findings or known abouts What’s the reason, and why no investigations out? Unknowns still uncertain A torn curtain with splits could be a beware Was it the sea or storms themselves being lies of the Devil Sea? We can only guess the many assumptions being nothing conclusive Only suggestive The Devil’s revenge Myth or theory? We will never know We don’t know what is happening below Maneuver your mind and continue to wonder Devil Sea with an evil approach Madness and controlling Fulfilling in offsetting