I became a creature of light in the way that only someone who'd shattered on their bedroom floor one too many times could. In the darkest recesses of the hours when sensible folks were sleeping, I was losing the marrow from my bones. There is a limit to what even the most terrified people-pleaser can give, and I felt the jolt of hitting the bottom of the abyss snap the last of whatever force of will held me together. No one had taught me about the moment I'd be spent. I had equations inked inside my skull and qualifications framed on my mother's wall and none of it was armor against this destruction. More terrifying than my empty body was the prospect of trying to reanimate it. You can adapt to the crushing darkness the way deep sea fish have evolved without sunlight, so maybe I could lie here forever. But the memory of being electric still zinged through my hollow heart. And there—a tiny spark. And here—the will to fan the flames. So I had to learn the hard way why only phoenixes are reborn. And now, baby, you wouldn't believe how full of fire I am.