Nay!, the gods are not to be blamed, for they maketh a fool out of man tempting none but him to 'eat'; a glistening fruit, and he did they said; eat not!, for the void is shallow
and then they said; go live! immortality stripped, from dust we arise, unto dust shall we return Man sinneth, who then is to blame? ye shall age, and death shall find your souls
She sauntered through the garden; serving as a bridge to his desires from his ribs, she was molded No, not we! and we told the angels to procure!
Bow!, to my creation they all did, No; objected one! and he was stripped of his honour and rank minions of darkness crown him lord; of course, he shall be questioned!
Exempt me till the 'day'; he asked! and we shall, for we know; you shall lead 'them' astray but what good is a world with no evil?; and so, darkness came to be
only if it liveth in thy heart; shall you be led astray, worry not how bad is a world dominated by darkness? and 'good' shall be in their heart; those who forget not, our warning!