My life is cold and dark And sadness every day No food or fresh water Today and I'm a starving Palestinian with no hopes or dreams every day and my happiness has faded away with no sunshine only darkness every day,
And no one seems to notice us Palestinians No one seems to care They've heard our story Before and they just don't ****** care but Poet David P Carroll Feels you're pain every day and my heart cry's for you all every day and I'll fight for every Palestinian who's suffering today And our dreams and hopes will always fade away and I'm afraid for the little to go outside Bombs dropping on them playing on the beaches and there's No hope for us Palestinians any day When will this pain ever just go away And when I try and catch my breath an other bombΒ is dropped on me and In a silent world of forgotten dreams and every Palestinian will fade away and you'll all be forever in my heart every day.
Israel approves construction of nearly 5,700 new settler units in occupied West Bank.