You don't think know I know that place? I've lived in that place Dark and warm Felt its fingers creep around me Silent and muffled No care All despair But at least you can't hear them At least all you feel is numb There is no comfort To stifle the flora and fauna of that blackness That comes when you succumb to the void Drinking oblivion I know that place. I know it's cracks and crevices I know it's depths. I know intimately every bend of its emptiness A bitter companion Of endless years With naught but a candle of hope That anything exists But pain But as dark as it seems up above In the real world, It's infinitely darker down here. And I know that bitter thought Of "How could it ever get better?" And maybe you'll spend a lifetime In horrid darkness Walking the road of loneliness But every now and then, The clouds will part, And the sun will shine on your face And you will remember what it feels like To be alive again And maybe for the first time In a very long time, You will want to be.