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Sep 2013
I loved u when u were ugly
I loved u even when u cried
I loved u when u loved me
And I even loved u when u lied

My silly eyes grave to see your face
My stupid ears always want to hear your voice
My lonely heart cries out loud for your love
But then I realize AM I THE ONLY ONE????

I day dream about us being TOGETHER
I even dream about u being there FOREVER
Every single second I think only of u
And I just wish that u did the same too

It’s not my obsession to win u
I know I have lost the right to
But just want to ask
Did u ever feel the same too????

I loved u when I was angry with u
I loved u when I handed u to someone else
I loved u when I said I would live without u
And I still do love u
And there will always be a corner in my heart that will never stop crying for u
BUT at the end of the day I realize that I am fighting a lost battle...
Anushka Acharya
Written by
Anushka Acharya
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