Originally written in Chinese, and translated to English by:
Yitkbel ****
Date of Original Chinese Version: March 25, 2021
Date of Translation: April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday
Sailing upon new waves,
Post Modernity's Wake,
The 'wise men' arrive upon the Isle,
Isle of the Children Faithful and Wild,
Ascend the Peaks of Antiquity,
With a thousand coats of obscurity,
With New Clothes and New Shades,
Conceal the eternal Splendid rays.
They say,
'This is the Dusk of Illusion!'
'The Dawn of Disillusion!'
'Gone with the Ageless Eternity,
Behold the Age of Humanity!'
Stealing light with a sleight of hand,
As shadow disembark upon the land,
They say,
'The Sun is dead,'
'Go back to bed,'
'And dream about nothing,'
'That's all there will be remaining.'
The long night arrives,
Lingering, while daylight
Dreaming in the New Cave,
Never to the sun, awake,
The young fog stolen away
The old path and old ways.
Darkness roars, Ennui soars.
The Songs of Seeds cease.
Lost without light's embrace.
A thousand crows' throats brace,
Wings replace the sky's face,
So the children forget its grace.
They sing:
'The naive cannot comprehend.'
'The fools will not understand.'
They sing:
'Existence is meaningless.'
'Humanity is purposeless.'
How many youth heard?
How many within the herd?
How many youth lost,
And at what cost?
Except for us!
Except for us!
Except for us!
Within the Darkness of "Depth",
Disbelievers of 'The Sun's Death',
We abide the mockery,
With Truth's memory,
Peering beyond the seamless clouds,
Lone souls among prodigal crowds,
To nothing else we will ever yield!
Forever Children of Sunflower Field!
The 'wise men',
With a thousand coats of obscurity,
Finally taught the 'wayward child'-
'Too naive' 'Too faithful' 'Too wild'-
To gaze upon their shadow beneath,
Beneath their feet,
And say:
'That's all there is,
All there will be.'
Way above,
Above the fog, above the clouds,
Above the stars, above it all,
Manifolds of souls witnessing,
These wise men standing tall,
With their boastful clarion call,
Upon a speck of dust, believing,
It to be everything and nothing
They turn back, back to the Waiting
Of the Death of Time, Of the Death of Time,
As the crows carry on with their carrion rhyme.
They carry on, they carry on, singing:
'The Sun is dead,'
'Go back to bed,'
'And dream about nothing,'
'That's all there will be remaining.'
They carry on, they carry on singing:
'The naive cannot comprehend.'
'The fools will not understand.'
They carry on, they carry on singing:
'Existence is meaningless.'
'Humanity is purposeless.'
They carry on, they carry on singing:
'Gaze upon your shadow beneath your feet!'
'That's all there is, And all there will be.'
How many youth heard?
How many within the herd?
How many youth lost,
And at what cost?
Except for us!
Except for us!
Except for us!
Within the Darkness of 'Depth',
Disbelievers of 'The Sun's Death',
We abide the mockery,
With Truth's memory,
Peering beyond the seamless clouds,
Lone souls among prodigal crowds,
To nothing else we will ever yield!
Forever Children of Sunflower Field!
Forever Children of Sunflower Field!
Forever Children of Sunflower Field!
Forever Children of Sunflower Field!
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