You've saved my life in a million ways beyond words Beyond language- beyond feeling You've given me lessons invaluable, unteachable You've taught me what love is What it means to love and how to accept it
And now, you ask the impossible of me You ask me to imagine a world without you Without that comfortable silence Of just knowing somewhere in the world You are under the same sky as me
You ask me to picture a world that doesn't exist to me A world that cannot exist for me A world where we are forever apart six feet A world where you will always be out of reach A world where I am leaving flowers on your grave And not in your hands
A world where I kiss goodbye all the promises we made A world where I sit at a tombstone with your name Where I talk to memories and not to you
A tombstone with your name.
I would never be the same.
I would never be...
I don't even have the words to describe who I'd become In a world where there is a tombstone with your name
How can I love, live and forgive in a world without you? A world where my poetry doesn't go unread because of nerves But because I am reading it to a tombstone with your name?
In a world where I can't reach out and feel you there A world without you, it's a world without me too Because the day I bury you Is the day I bury me.
The boy I've written all my poetry for, the one i've loved since we were 11 is standing on a ledge and I don't know how to talk him off it.