we were lovers and we were friends I felt in my heart that she was the one I would have traveled the worlds ends but what I heard fell on me like a ton
she was seen with a supposed friend of mine holding hands and giving out sweet kisses in the movie house down on 4th and Vine I'm left with this bitter taste of dead fishes
Junior was walking by and he saw it all he said he was shocked by this display so he got on his phone and gave me a call I was gonna ask her to go steady just today
guess I was the silly fool to think she was mine love is such a folly guess girls can be so fickled maybe I can get my brother to buy some wine and me and Junior can go get ourselves pickled
but you can bet the day after I get straight I will probably need me a real good slappin' so I don't go and beg her for another date maybe it was a mistake but Junior saw it happen
Gomer LePoet....
Thanks to Stevie "guitar" Miller for the concept :)