The stairs still splinter out dry laughter, muffled in the gloaming plaster Hall - Spackle-rough to the cracked fingers running along those century old idiosyncrasies I, belly-hurt to the passage and the passing of it All. I return there from excessively average physical distance _yet from many dynasticΒ Β Wheelings of Contemplative Removal.
A broken thing And I, the faithless Steward - Throneless Amidst haunted Kingdoms of a dismembered corpse-god And other short Stories
With threadbare Memory of Patterned bedsheets crumpled in perfect modelposed gesture of blissful entropy, the Nearby school stadium spotlights still send tower beacons into the mist of the night The cars still slur by in the wet black Crackle and Hiss Destroying the fidelity of other songs in Perfect, humming