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Sep 2013
You ever feel that?
Stomach turning for what you have done, felt like doing or following through?
The next day you ask yourself why?
What made me this way?
A person I do not recognize anymore.
Someone who reacts and just flows with the go.
Or is is it goes with the flow?
Just a shell of a person I once knew.
Will I find her again?
Wish she would come back to me.
Perfect mother, perfect friend, perfect wife.
Maybe that is it.
No one can be perfect.
I tried too hard.
Someday this person I was will will appear to me.
Come back and make me feel whole again.
One day I will not make decisions based on anyone else and their desires or what I think will make them happy.
Now I can think clear, what about me, the shell is hard, it is empty can not be reborn.
Just a empty shell.
Written by
Trayc Plaja  United States
(United States)   
   Melanie Beth, JAK AL TARBS, Daisy C, --- and ---
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