I don't cry when I talk about my childhood trauma Of the times I'd been let down, berated or broken When I was shut down and shunned When I felt mute and voiceless When I felt alone and empty I don't cry until I talk about you About how I loved you, and how I'll never stop
I've been hurt before you I've been hurt again after you But it's interesting how there is a before and after you As if that's how I divide my life Divide the way I feel
When I think about you I think about the day we met 10 years ago In the choir classroom of our middle school In the karaoke homeroom We were young, ridiculous and open We were outcasts who saw eachother We were outcasts who were seen for the first time
I never felt like I had to hide from you I never had to pretend to be someone I was not I think about how we would laugh and smile with eachother How we almost felt like we had an us vs them against the world I think about how I loved you before I knew what love was
I think about everytime you called me and your voice Somehow always seemed to save me As if you knew every tear before they fell Years and years, but you never stopped calling And I suppose, I never stopped waiting I never stopped answering
I think about the days we were together When we reconnected in highschool When we fell in love How I can read our entire relationship through texts How I can hurt myself and heal myself over and over Like a wound that never heals, never scars I think about how desperately I wished I didn't love you How wrong it makes me feel being unable to let you go
I think of how you taught me what it meant to be loved And what it meant to love
I think about how I'm alright with being your friend With never showing you my writing With never telling you how much I've loved you I think about how I'm satisfied With knowing I will never be more And how it is worth it and I don't know why
I think about growing up Of growing farther away from those memories Farther away from the choir classroom Farther away from the phone calls out of nowhere Farther away from a version of you who loved me And I realized I'll never grow away from the me who loves you
I only cry when I think of you When I'm sober, when I'm not And it's never a tear of hurt Not from something you'd done Nor from something you'd said But from all the things I wish you did From all the things I wish I could For all the poetry you may never see For all the love you'll never know
I only cry when I think of you Because I love you when I know That I should be able to let you go