violent thrash of a sword to the fortress that i call home. there is always some silver coin or biology that takes from me. i have no one, but… individuality and religion. each destined to be stolen from me yet i will not surrender like the blue girl that lurks by the docks resembling the runny river water. i will not lose the lens that formed me. the end of the tunnel is bleak and empty. there is nothing to hold your flaky body if you don’t have the lens. what do you see in your reflection if not an extension of what you dislike the most? the inner workings of you are strikingly wholesome but the lights within you are soon to be stomped out. when you change yourself for the unforgiving blank void of life, what is there left but a shell of fool’s happiness? the point in feeling whole is lost. my hands tremble, a stormy body on the edge of today. and what is it worth if not living for the truth? what is it worth if my existence goes completely unacknowledged? who will be themselves?