Our hearts must have been knitted together in the womb and ripped apart at birth, but whoever did so failed to remove every piece of yarn because we ended up finding each other again.
You are the only one who can see past me and I am the only one who can tell if you're having a normal silence or a sad silence. Oh, I can tell.
We can read each other's souls as easily as my father reads the Sunday morning newspaper and we can read the pain between the lines, too in fact, we trace it with our fingers and feel the pain like it's our own. Oh, we do.
We are opposite in physique and personality but twins in values and passions, this you wrote to me in a letter once, and I haven't forgotten it. Oh, I haven't.
We've wondered why we're so alike in a completely opposite way, but now I know. I know that the yarn is still hanging and we are still being stitched back together because one day, we'll end up right back from where we came from. And we'll be doing the exact same thing. Oh, we will.