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Feb 2023
I am lost in his luscious sculpted architecture
His powerful, proficient hands
His moist masculine mouth
His full fascinating beard

I stare into his chocolate-brown satin eyes
And I am bound to his brilliant bewitching beauty
My classy dazzling jack
My flaming fly dream guy

I wanna venture into his rapturous realm
Of unmatched thrashing sensuality
Dive deep inside his mind’s frame
To discover his insurmountable inviting delights

Unlock the door to his mind-blowing macho store
To explore his glorious core
Breathe in his majestic, muscular masculinity
His dreamy, tender chemistry

Massage his strong, hardworking body
The feel of his buff seductive chest
Against my palms charms me so
His brick-solid built abs travel through my thoughts and feelings

He is a notorious source of sexually stimulating gorgeousness
That has me breathlessly anticipating
To take in the creative, captivating pages
Of his top-notch sought-after treasure

Delve into his assertive esoteric spectacularity
Feel his effortless compelling fervency
Relish the wondrous hotness
Of his emphatic splashy sauciness
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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