is it so crazy to ask someone please love me even if it's a lie my lowest place I'm just seeking company it feels like I live with a ghost I see her do everything while I sit back and watch waiting for someone this can't be right there must be someone
love me I beg is it too much to ask don't leave me here don't let me go I'll turn off my morning alarms stay with me is it a possibility I'll be loved in this lifetime or am I destined to be lonely and miserable every monday starting the week wishing for silly romance
pathetic it seems I let pride get the best of me if I keeping saying one day maybe I'll just forget about today trying to forget another wasted valentines day I hope you're not reading this go on be happy I bet you have someone to be so lonely like me I wouldn't wish it on my enemies no more crying for me I take my tiny heart with no hope it will survive it's last breath on the lost love I'll never have