You are my tasty daily food My captivation and inspiration The one who engages and enamors my attention My infinite sensuous dreaminess Your keen supreme masculinity overwhelms me
The way you showcase your aesthetically appealing swagger Makes me yearn to be taken in your wondrous, rock-solid arms Feel your staggering and strapping chest Smell your delightful breath Tease your sweet eatable neck and hot loving lips With deep, long, and ardent kisses
Rub your elegant, exuberant beard Bask in your fashionable magical attractiveness Your beautiful, perfumed sheerness My dreamy invincible temptingness My mentally keen gent
You got me so deep into your far-reaching sweetness Aching for your extravagant metallic taste I lean into your distinctive, inventive chemistry Your rockin sparkling machoness Such unrivaled flaming delight
Crucial groovy smoothness That makes me wanna be down With your desirable crowning astoundingness Cherish your peerless pioneering perfectness Melt into your blissfully bewitching monolithicness