Juicy sugary bruiser Velvety zesty heavy You are an impressive, treasured perfection An authentic angelic vision Of the greatest praisable amorosity That I savor like a breathtaking And exhilarating vacation
All-inclusive exclusive smoothness Deluxe red-blooded lustiness I burn with untameable desire The more I hanker to steal away into your hideaway Breathe you into my system Like a sensually invigorating breeze
Feel the mergence of our dazzling merry worlds Relax into your active fabulous splashiness Such a mouthwatering sight To delight in for hours on end My supreme dream holiday
So sensational, like a stunning landscape So eminent and experienced Like a brilliant distinguished lawyer I wanna groove with you in a private shining jacuzzi Dive into your delightable invitable excitingness Where your picturesque passionate presence Holds me boundlessly spellbound