You capture and overmaster My mellowness and tenderness With your composedness and dopeness Your glowingness and showiness You keep me sweet On your honeyed succulent love
My precious infectious sexiness I crave you in so many ways Venerate you forever and a day Romanticize about your unparalleled enamoring greatness Your congruent fluent pulchritude Every trace of your engaging fragrance
So much untouchable ***** seductiveness to succumb to To melt into your radiant, compelling freshness When our lips meet When we kiss and speak With our vivid, wicked, and fierce expressions When you move and soothe my world
When I am lost in your fantastic compassionate splashiness Nothing else concerns me But your adventurous and imaginative masculineness In your enthusiastic and radical space I acknowledge your spectacular savviness
Get off on your glistening, thrilling, and Vitamin-enriched sauciness You are so well-equipped with endless street credibility So awe-inspiring and towering Like a sturdy, seaworthy ship