When the sun came crashing from the sky we knew why the oceans all ran dry and we, like harum scarum lunatics watched all this, believed it was a magic trick and later it would be alright. But the night grew strong the longer it went on and we were wrong to laugh and play while everything we had, faded into grey,then black and we realised it would not be back at the click of the fingers.
Some vestiges of a memory lingers on and fables told are of a day of gold and light and might we hear the story one more time,as told by the old man with more time upon his hands,about the distant lands where men could see,it seems an eternity of gloom has left much room and yet not to expand but contract back into caves, and slaves we were to ever think the madness could go on without some form of retribution, some divine or godly intervention an architect whose own invention had been superseded by what those whom he had invented needed?
It's all too late we'll have to wait for another spot that turns up in a universe,where nothing worse than this could possibly occur and though the candle is unlit,a bit of it will fall into another lighting of the sky and once more I'm sure we'll wonder why the magician always spins a double zero and wins.