There are moments when I feen For a chance for you to romance My brilliant significant existence Dive into your fervent headline-worthy wonderland Where your dreamy-scented transcendency Entrances the depths of my benevolent reverent feminineness
You are the sweetest irresistible gent With all-out ardent content That sends me into the hottest all-star alternate universe Where you unearth my inner person In the incomparable magical January Sojourning in your shareable worshipful mantuary
I yearn to marry your mad merry rarity Taste your uncontestable edible lips Trace your sheer, beardiful, and imperial beard With my cleverly incredible and velvet hands Slither my delicious, exquisite fingertips Against your firm, spectacular cheeks Your distinct, elegant eyebrows
Kiss the shimmering surface Of your forehead and temples Feel the eternal effervescent rhythm Of your intriguing and thrilling virility Voyaging to the core Of my foxy four-star flawlessness