You were my teenage love story The real one You were my ride or die My forever and ever My messy pile of clothes That drifted into yours My old sweater That came down to strings in the end
We were still children, really Overgrown children still not quite big enough To fit into these adult clothes Trying on phrases like "I'll love you forever" and "I promise I'll never leave" So excited about the colors And our feelings bursting forth That fitting didn't matter
I'm sorry we bought that chair I know it's burned by now It went up in a blaze In your best friend's grandma's backyard I close my eyes and see the tears on your face Reflecting the rising ashes and flames I hope you cursed me
For me to become a distant memory Some far away faded thing A leftover pile of string Is the best fate I can have for you
Our end was abrupt In the way stories written by a child's hand can be Trailing on and on and on A fit of passion Crazed and somehow beautiful Trailing off To An incomplete ending An unfinished sen