You are fine alone , Listen to me , You are fine alone , You don't need anyone , You have taken care of yourself from the very beginning.
These laughs , Smiles , Feelings, Are all **** to you , Until and unless You learn to hide your tears .
Trust me , You are fine , You are fine by yourself buddy .
These gloomy nights will make you strong enough to bear your weight .
You proved to be usefull to others , But they ? No you are more than enough for yourself .
I hope you reach your destination **** your own destiny Write one , with your own hands With the blood gushing in your body , being your ink With the nail being your pen tip.
And if you want to erase the things which your wrote , Cry , Cry , Just Cry your heart out , Let the tears mix and erase those writings.
The tears that you shed today will quench your thirst in future .
It's all fine being alone , As long as you are being just yourself . One day will come when nothing will hurt you anymore , Everything will become an afterthought .
You will become friend to the person in the mirror .