Genre, boomer quotidian score
settling or keeping, distinctions
everything, afterthought-wise,
everything never matters close up.
The reason's religions allow wars,
is tribute, dues paid the guardians
who catch on.
The only germ of the originating thought re
public is lost to my instant recollection
app, Socrates, necessary lie.
I wait microsecs for satisfaction, when did I
become guiled, erst while guilt, beguiled, but
I knew, did I not, I knew, I was in on the trick,
O, yeah, prognostification is unholy, art
to the Nth degree, wordwise,
that's real bad. Evil, even
literal exposure use inevitable-if
a little intuition, seeing what tomorrow
becomes, after we hope for better,
people here, after everbefore, now,
we agree to hope broadband better, ever
before you had a chance to read this, yes, ever was
Just to be read once, realized I was. said the little blue man.