The realization stings. The recalling of my place in this world Knocks me to the ground And spits in my face. It’s icy breath freezes me where I lay.
I remain still as they close in around me, My friends. My friends with strong arms, Deep whispering voices, Groping hands, And free drinks.
They make me laugh, They coax stories out of my mouth To make room for themselves. They bait my trust with jokes and gifts. And once they capture my confidence, They reach for my body.
But I swear my lips are bitter, My hair is a thicket of thorns, And my skin is made of broken glass. Of course this is a lie. A lie I wish I could squeeze reality out of.
And so I squeeze anyway But the truth that flows with ease Cuts me with joyous violence. It fills me with poison And drags my delirious body into its bed Where it smacks me until my eyes light up with stars. It strangles me until consciousness begins to slip away.
But ******* a dead girl isn’t as fun As it sounds. So he lets me breathe just enough To let an apology form out of my bruised throat.
And when the truth is done He’ll leave me out to bleed. Out in the open for his friends to take a turn.
And they’ll do it again and again and again. In the back of the art room in a middle school, In the general admission section of a metal show, In their twin bed, In mine, In the back of a car parked in a field, At work, In the bathroom at my friend’s house.