you tossed me a life jacket when I was drowning you breathed life back into me In reality you had no idea I was dying Monotony was oppressing me Then you came and turned everything upside down
Suddenly I craved being around your energy there was laughter and smiles there was butterflies that I tried killing with alcohol But even the alcohol couldn't burn out the flutters I felt around you
You held me close so many nights and I needed it but I fought it until you fell asleep and I could move away He did that to me. But I'd wake up wrapped back around you just the same You did that to me
God didn't have a fighting chance against me falling for you There was no divine intervention to save me from that trip No way to stop you from turning that small corner in my heart into a bigger space for you and only you
And my god I worship the work you did on me this confidence it's all you this smile You this backbone is built out of the armor I took from you I worship you My personal god