You are my rugged southern hummer A wondrously impressive pleasure And treasure to behold., wildly Indescribable and invitable delight Capricious, irresistible slickness With delightful, overpowering charm That enthralls my playful And captivating foundation Cozy, down-home marvel
I feel exalted macho madness In your warm and endearing rareness Your vivid silken litness Passionate, masculine attractions Deep, rich, and idyllic exquisiteness A poetic and sensual man of action The dope and most potent Romeo My bright ardent spark
I move with the ceaseless dreamy beat Of your desirous and instantaneous invitingness I get a hard-on when I gawk At your heavy full-blown sauciness Your blithe and unforgettable delectableness When you flex your fascinating magnetic muscles When you blaze one, when you blow Your stupefying smoke in my face When you blow deliciously breezy kisses my way
Make me ache to lay on your rock-solid, phenomenal chest Feel you stroke my nose Plant a slow, soft, and sweet kiss On my impeccably velvety and welcoming lips Let me jones for your jaw-dropping astonishingness Lick you up and down like succulent bone suckinβ ribs Lapse deep into your strikingly Eye-grabbing and flabbergasting attractiveness