Your rich and precious heavenliness is So absolutely incredible, the fullest intellectual flex Fantastically rare, dapper, and magical Premium prized pristineness Dramatically eye-catching and radical passionateness Silky-smooth and soothing star attraction
So expressively elegant and enchanting Crash-hot farm-fresh machoness Jazzily smashing splash Artistically enthralling hotness So hauntingly hypnotic and evocative So distinctive, ebullient, and extravagant
You are mantastically freshalicious Beyond comprehension More advanced than organic chemistry Your dreaminess is broad-ranging and mind-blowing Your heart and soul are irresistible and perceivable poetry Worthy of immense attention
Radiantly blazing hot and invigorating sensation Your mind is powerful and electric Your kingdom invincibly inventive Your pleasantly delectable symmetry More abundant and abloom Than a flowering and fragrant rose garden