After a rather enjoyable holiday During which I had loads of fun Playing my favourite mobile video game Reading an Agatha Christie ****** mystery And last but not the least Having a long afternoon siesta I was ready to resume work Even if it meant going to office Which involved a long commute By the dreaded Mumbai locals Well, getting to Dadar was not an issue However, it was then That my troubles started There was a wait of ten minutes Followed by a bit of chaos As I barely managed to board the train Getting thoroughly squeezed in the process By the time I reached office I was drenched in sweat The second summer of Mumbai Having well and truly begun Things did not improve As I started work I was really hoping That my hard work over the last few days Would eventually pay off However, I was in for a shock With every call I made My confidence nosedived As candidate after candidate Failed to pick up the phone Those who did respond Were either not interested Or didn't possess the requisite skills After a rather welcome break In the form of an excellent lunch Packed by my mother I was hoping to turn things around However, the status quo remained And by the end of the day I had drawn a blank As far as my CV count was concerned Thus, it was quite a relief To leave the office behind And return to home sweet home Of course, there was the small matter Of the return commute To be taken care of And once again, Fate showed its hand As Dadar continued to be the centre of chaos And I kept missing local after local While waiting for an AC local That eventually never showed up Thus, I was forced to board an ordinary local instead Thankfully, it was all smooth sailing At least until Ghatkopar arrived And I was squeezed once more This time though, it was brutal Luckily, the next stop was mine And the icecream that I had At a shop just outside the station Was sufficient compensation For whatever damage Ghatkopar may have caused Mental as well as physical After a rather uneventful auto ride I was home at last And I must admit That however good or bad the day may have been It has at least given me the inspiration I needed To write this poem