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Oct 2022
Radiant, graceful, and tasteful
Blazing all-pervading straightness
Sharp, rock-hard, and sparkling wonder
Your irresistible mentionable machoness is
At the center of my heart and soul
You enlighten my thoughts and feelings

Give me intense, renewal, and ****** fulfillment
More incredibly prepossessing as ever
Boundless crowning delight
Your fashionable errorless swagger is
Raw, saucy, and top-quality
Insane spanking game

Contagious veracious sensation
Flamboyant and passionately-playable perfection
You are an awe-inspiring and ever-changing mountain
Of blissful, sun-filled, and picturesque pleasingness
Allow your flourishing four-star hotness
Surface my soft, gaudy, and prominent lips

Taste your pure, golden, and adventurous sweetness
On my tongue, your treasured amorous handsomeness
Meshing with my great, keen jaws
Let your enormous, smashing masculineness
Dance down the entrance hall of my throat
Feel your fondly flawless awesomeness
Streaming in my sensual system
Make my feelings for your strongness mushroom
To blooming soothing Neptune
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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