When reared in the real of realness with emotions real and true and salient love temperate yet unconditional and every spoken word held what they mean as did the laughter's and the tears you know yourself on the ground you tread and in surety do know you can never be lonely
when reared to welcome the light of day and heed the clarion call trek and toil for answers to grace the morrow to reap in sweet sweat salts of past and future respecting the homage of the aged walk wetlands with yourself and your hopes and in surety paying dues you can never not know who you are
When reared in the heady brew of truth and daily drink its light and cleanse the tides of your mind in its wake knowing no safer ground is yet to eclipse its lay and you run no errands of fools hearing as told and telling as heard is seeing and in surety you abide you can never know fear