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Oct 2022
You came into our lives, a new family member found.
But soon your plot of manipulation had my family bound.
Not all, just the most important one.
One you remind on a daily basis, you are his son.
You have lied and conned, and scammed your way into his guilt-ridden mind.
But what you now realize is that, with this daughter, resistance you will find.
Of the three, you think you are the smartest and strongest.
But I am smarter, stronger, and most important, been here longest.
For the man you wish to deceive, I would do anything.
Because in my life, he has given me everything.
He has been my protector, my guardian angel, my savior.
And a man like that doesn't deserve your criminal behavior.
So, let me make this very clear for your slow mind to understand.
If you try to break my family, what you will meet is my hand.
You're a small man with no morals to speak of.
For a strong woman like me, very easy to dispose of.
Be careful "brother", your secrets and lies run deep.
Up against someone like me, the truth you won't be able to keep.
You will be exposed for the snake you are just like the one who bore you.
That poisonous apple didn't fall far from the tree, liars both you two.
This is but a warning, but do not make the mistake to take it lightly.
Because this "sister" is ready to act, if you try to move, however slightly.
Leisa Battaglia
Written by
Leisa Battaglia  44/F/Louisiana
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