Every minute of the day miracles do happen. Many aren’t even aware of this. You yourself can be a miracle to someone else every given day in life. Just by being there. listening or helping. Or just encouraging that it will be alright. Life is more then just existing for your own. Miracles come from our own minds God is inside each of us When praying we call upon God When praying with all the faith that’s inside us we put our minds behind it. By doing so the healing of ourselves starts and we can help others. Miracles are in the little things. You have to be open for it to see it. If someone is down and hurt you have the power to change that. Just by being there you can make a difference and change someone’s view. Seems nothing but it’s huge. Miracles don’t have to be big to be a miracle. Holding someone’s hand and a smile seems nothing, but a miracle it is because it’s a connection from deep inside to reach someone deep inside.