We symbolize the mind as an art of power the art we include must mystify souls when our lips transcend out of our passion time seems harder to live without that fire the emplacement of what we hold so dear to us is it as everlasting as the source or just as fleeting as the energy we are so quick to obtain only to move mountains. If one thing is true it is that lightning will crack it's deadly whip revealing what we truly have inside.
What we thought was peace becomes another piece of life's jigsaw pulling out jenga blocks from our mouths. Tranced in confusion, and desire the most skillful of men will dedicate work so much as to not drop a bead of sweat upon their tunic.
Mysteries and artifacts are our true treasure when we full understand their meaning does that message mean immortality among mortals with the skills of a god. Light beaming on our faces soaking the sun's energy is bliss in it's purest form. Destruction could not conquer for even it's dread knows better to ****** a paradox of the omniscient.
So we remain patient, we court ourselves with divine art of tracing auras back to our infinite soul glazing in eternity admiring the flares when there is no danger. forfeiting is no option there is always plenty to fight for but none to dance with when the fresh rain sings songs of sweet cherubic children flying to the melody god has truly blessed them with.