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Sep 2022
Troubling times
Trickier still are the uncertain
The questioning, the curious
The disconnected and unsure

Caught, perhaps, in an illusion
The unforeseen, dismantled reality
For what could this be,
Than the utterly surreal?

Spirit in flux
Or whatever it may be
A mere observer in this place
So familiar…yet not meant to be
Not quite like before
Before being encapsulated
By this most strange dream

Is it a dream, this odd feeling?
This faded, jaded land that surrounds
The very air seems confused
The trees unsure how to sway
The birds misleading and disoriented
Or perhaps it is I who is disoriented?
Or whatever “I” may be…

Who am I, who is this?
This stranger whom gazes back
Through the looking glass
Features once akin to me,
Now they look back,
Rather a stranger than reflection

A body, a vessel
Piloted by a soul
A skeleton propelled
Drawn on and on
Drag the weary feet
Or perhaps take a break
Switch flipping in the mind
Walking, breathing, responses
Nodding and moving
Without thought, without wondering
With memory as a guide
Until the moment breaks
Waking up, back in control
Where have you gone?

Unfeeling, unyielding
Pinch, scratch, burn
Release, escape
Desiring to awaken…
But all assure you,
“You are awake.”

- Jay M
September 19th, 2022
Jay M
Written by
Jay M  18/Gender Fluid/the void
(18/Gender Fluid/the void)   
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