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Sep 2022
Your aesthetically appealing expression
Makes me feel sexually excited
Out of my skull, riveted by your rippling
Robust structure, caught up in
Your saucy predominant hotness
I am so hungry for your actively
Adventurous bewitchingness

I fix my gaze on your seductive russet eyes
Focus on your dangerously high-quality masculinity
Inexorable storming lover boy
All-consuming hoodness, full of force and glory
Flourishing nourishing notoriousness
Your solely glorious and unconquerable love hits the spot
You rev up my vessel, take me out of this world

Provide me with your potable gold
Stroke my floatable rainbow soul
Jolly rocking prodigy
You are an ample amorous aphrodisiac
A lubricious pulchritudinous untouchableness

Your steamy tempting earnestness enrapture me
Your imaginativeness and impressiveness refresh me
Be my delectable special detective
Detain me at your pleasure
Let me feel your electric power
Enshrouded in your stream of light
In a frenzy of delight
Your captivatingness raises my temperature
Makes me mean keen for your steaming supreme dreaminess
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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