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Sep 2013
Been with a *****, been with a nun,
doing it in church seemed to be more fun.
Been with a mom, been with her daughter,
not sure which one was hotter.
Been with my friends sister, been with her twin,
after that three way my face had a grin.
Been with a princess, been with a queen,
they made me a sandwich and I was in between.
Been with a ******, been with a ****,
it was live, uncensored and uncut.
Been with a diva, been with a wife,
until her husband chased me with a knife.
Now I found someone special,
my love life is on a brand new level.
Gave up all my women, for one awesome lady,
she's more wholesome than Carol Brady.
All those other girls didn't mean a thing,
my new woman even got an engagement ring.
She drives me more crazy, than the others combined,
my little black book, I left very far behind.
On the day that we get married,
at our honeymoon hotel,
through the door she'll be carried.
Once I tell her about my past,
not sure how long the marriage will last.
Allen Wilbert
Written by
Allen Wilbert  florida
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