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Terry Collett
Sep 2013
Having run across the field
to the river’s edge
she sat down on the grass
and he followed
out of breath
and sat beside her
she laughed
told you couldn’t catch me
Milka said
I can run like a gazelle
Naaman breathed in deep
Holding his groin
I gave you a head start
he said
I still won though
she said
pleased with herself
only just
he said
she lay back
on the grass
he watched her breathe
her chest rising
and falling slowly
she had her hands
over her stomach
her short fair hair
mixed with the green grass
she smiled
what are you looking
at me for?
I like looking at you
he said
he looked at the river
because I do
must be a reason
she said
looking at him
with her dark eyes
I think of you
when I’m not with you
and so I need
to capture the image
of you for when
you’re not here
he said
do you think of me
all the time?
she asked
pretty much
he said
my brothers will think you
have gone soft
she said
he looked away
trees blew slightly
in the wind
the clouds were moving slowly
only with regards
to you
he said
he gazed at her
lying there
her legs raised
heels flat on the grass
her skirt showing
her thighs
I dream of you
she confessed
most nights
and pretend Teddy is you
and squeeze him tightly
near to me
so that he is right
against my *******
lucky Teddy
Naaman said smiling
taking in her lips
slightly parted
her teeth
just visible
poor Teddy
only has one ear now
and my mother
has sewn his arm on
many times
Milka said
Naaman lay down
on the grass
next to her
laying his hand
on her arm
feeling her pulse
her warmth
maybe you treat him
too roughly
Naaman said
she smiled
her lips spreading wide
well you’re not there
and he is a poor substitute
she said
I can’t be there
he said
your mother
seldom leaves the house
and if she is out
your father is there
or your brothers
besides you’re too young
for such things
what things?
she asked
looking at him
trying to look serious
ask Teddy
he said
I’m 14
only 2 years
younger than you
she informed
I know
he said
your brother told me
when we were practising judo
last weekend
does he know you see me?
he knows I take you out
but he thinks I do so out of pity
because I feel sorry for you
she laughed
putting her hands
over her mouth
to stop the loudness
of her laughter
he thinks that?
Naaman nodded
what’s he think we do
pick flowers and watch butterflies?
he thinks we go see
the peacocks
he said
we do
she said
but not this
not what we did
last Sunday
Naaman added
we just kissed
nothing else
she said
more than he thinks
or your mother
he said
she looked at the river
the water flowing slow
best then
she said softly
they don’t know.
SET IN 1964.
Written by
Terry Collett
Sussex, England
(Sussex, England)
Temitope Popoola
Elizabeth Squires
Claire R
Marieta Maglas
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