Grandma, I remember your departure Visualizing your stature It is like it was yesterday You went to your Heavenly home Everlasting where you will always roam You reminded time after time, I am never alone You often stated, “Let your praises be full blown” Your sincere voice spoke, “I wish I could take you with me” But it wasn’t my time You will be waiting at every bus terminal, Airport and train station anticipating my arrival You told me to always pray Everlasting is the gate way Don’t ever grieve I am at peace and relieved I am with the Holy King But I left you with one thing Wisdom relishing throughout your life When situations come always remember my golden advice A world that won’t be nice Life itself is not sugar and spice Goodness comes from God’s advice Heaven knows It goes to show The skies capture the flow Soulful experience Treasure my love So Grandma, I will never forget I hold no regret Your impact in me has a positive effect I miss you so Praise now and soon I will be lifted up Your Grandson says, “Thank you for your love” You are always who I think of