I saw my distance It was my miles in journeys Blisters on feet like sores My struggles provided understanding They prepared me in what to expect My tears previously flowed like water falls The thought of my fellow Slaves who died But I stayed focused in knowing what God who provide No matter how hot the sun became Freedom was going to be my aim The thought never entered my mind that I may not make it I knew it was going to be a battle, and I couldn’t change the world’s thinking My inspiration had to continue being sustaining Deep in my heart, I couldn’t let the world change my spirit I had to be determined Blockades were everywhere Echoes of preserver within Escaping through rivers was my only chance My freedom was how I would advance Yet a voice from Heaven saying, “Push On” Your freedom will come It was assurance It took all of my endurance Teach your people God’s guidance I gave you wisdom Understanding directly from the kingdom You are free No longer anyone’s slave Freedom ways has started Go and be free The Sun will guide you to your next journey Free at last