The ruse of those who in tender soft parts flutter and twitch in honey glaze while in mind's eyes see that ripe mushroom wishing lips could pay homage to nature's firm gift and silken velvet mould snugly that marrow that grows to feel the reach in stretched and dewy harmony like never before lighting flames running with chirpy highs and grunted lows delving into a furnace and stoking rhythms o'la la as told in tales of 'you are just so so amazing' but alas its only real in muted imagines so in ruse they **** and poke to garner attention for fingers and dreams
the forbidden fruit oh so sweet and enticing glistening mocha's known warmth revving that drowns senses in smooth motion the difference in touch and feel yet feels as right as rain full lips purring nibbles on the hardened points of softness bold and eager to enter the heated gate and find welcoming abode you have taken the scenes and made it yours as you like it in another's embrace with eyes closed you play it out when alone and softness calls you see the Moor in flick hands you feel out hot shivers in your mind the story unfolds creamy waves flows your dark secret your guilty pleasure